Ah, March Break. It already feels like just a distant memory.
I was fortunate to be home last week - and we took advantage with a staycation of sorts.
We slept in, actually ate breakfast and planned our days as they went.
We had my cousin's son from Slovenia staying with us for the first half of the week - nights were late and full of laughter and music. Ava had an absolute blast!
So much so, she didn't want to go to bed each night for fear of missing out. #thestruggleisreal
Julian hung out with friends most of the week - they have an odd fascination with all things Tim Horton's these days.
What's most interesting is that he won't walk to the corner store but somehow, can walk 5kms in -10 degrees to get there. #thingsthatmakeyougohmm
Pizza delivery and a couple of sleepovers later - he's a happy camper.
Does anyone else have a teenage boy in the house? If so, can you tell us when he stops eating ALL THE THINGS? Thanks.
I surprised Ava with tickets to see Disney on Ice on Thursday morning - we had the best experience.
I was pretty impressed with how well organized the event venue was making it a breeze for families many of whom had crazy young kids.
The concessions are INSANELY priced but that's to be expected I guess - as was the $30 price tag for parking. Huh?
Ms. Ava Grace says she thinks we should make this an annual March Break tradition.
I'm thinking my surprise was an obvious hit.
One step closer to that coveted mother of the year award.
On Friday, all of the kiddos, including Isabella, were home and while we had every good intention to go out for breakfast as a family, sleeping in won out.
Honestly, that alone is a vacation for this girl.
Ava and I had a last-minute invite including IMAX seats to see Beauty and The Beast in the city so we took advantage.
It was truly magnificent.
A must-see whether you have kids or not.
Also, did we know that Emma Watson could sing?
Well, sadly, it's over.
As you read this, I am likely sitting at my desk contemplating a second coffee.
We survived.
Our friends at Church + Dwight put together a fun selection of post-march break survival goodies - in case you didn't do as well.
Open to Canadian residents only.
Good Luck!
I worked on my March break. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteWe went to Science centre, museum, art gallery, movies & ate out to name a few things.
ReplyDeleteWe did a day trip to the USA to do some shopping but that was it for this March Break. (Judy Cowan)
ReplyDeleteI stayed home for the March Break.
ReplyDeleteWe've celebrated a birthday, had some movie nights and played some board games. We're sticking close to home.
ReplyDeleteOur March Break isn't until next week. We plan on taking a road trip to the mountains to do some hiking.
ReplyDeleteApparently preschoolers don't get March Breaks, but we can't wait to plan for them in the future.
ReplyDeleteWe went to see Cirkopolis and then had lots of sleepovers.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have March break in Newfoundland. We have Easter break and we plan on visiting the inlaws.
ReplyDeleteJust staying at home and doing some day outings.
ReplyDeleteFlorence C
We had a great time with our grandchildren. We made a pile of crafts, baked cookies and a cake and we watched some movies from years ago. Our grandchildren now love The Flintstones and Little House On the Prairie. Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunity!
ReplyDeleteI took at quick trip to Florida. It was nice to get away.
ReplyDeleteMy kids and I hung out at home, watched movies, went for a long drive, ate out to our favourite fast food restaurant.
ReplyDeleteWe did visit some family we don't see often enough which was lovely...
ReplyDeleteI didn't have a March break!
ReplyDeleteWe went to a hot springs for March break(:
ReplyDeleteWe did nothing special except stay home and relax
ReplyDeletegreat contest for grandparents + grandkids.
ReplyDeleteWe went sledding, shopping, had friends over, watched movies and played board games. We also cooked together
ReplyDeleteOur spring break isn't until Monday, so we will have lots of fun things planned like arts and crafts, and going outside
ReplyDeleteI watched my grand kids while their parents went to Jamaica.
ReplyDeletewe don`t have March break,we have Easter break,and I am going on a 4 day trip to St Anthony,NL for my sons hockey tournament,can`t wait!
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ReplyDeleteLots of play dates and also relaxing! We decided to have a 'staycation' ;) Krysta d
ReplyDeleteDearest Ava,
ReplyDeleteWould love to have a lazy week with sleeping in and doing fun things.
Life somehow is always dictating us to accomplish so many mandatory things!
Glad you enjoyed a stay cation with your kids and cousin.
I've completed my 2nd crocheted curtain and it's hanging since the 16th. Good feeling!
Now the preparations for tidying the home and cooking dinner for 14 on Monday when Pieter's Monday Night club will be at our home.
On Tuesday I will feel happy but than we have to finish our tax preparation... Hate this time of the year!
Looking so much forward to Pieter's (and your!) Birthday as my youngest brother will be here with his wife and daughter. They vacation in Florida from the 22nd on.
Sending you hugs and love,
Playing games, and exercising.
ReplyDeleteMarch Break is just starting in my area. No school age children so don't have to keep anyone but myself from being bored.
ReplyDeleteWatched the grandchildren skate and snow board on March Break
ReplyDeleteWe watched some movies and visited the library. On warm days we took our dog for a walk in the park.
ReplyDeleteI worked through March break
ReplyDeleteI spend March break doing the same things that I usually do. I spent a lot of it with my little grandson.
ReplyDeleteOn Spring breaK I stayed at home & did Spring cleaning, no money to travel.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any kids in school, so I went to work every day during March break
ReplyDeleteI visited my mother who lives in the next province over.
ReplyDeleteI did some cleaning.
ReplyDeletei done spring cleaning as well
ReplyDeletestayed home for the March Break.
ReplyDeleteSpent time with my son and cleaned like a mad woman lol
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI worked half of it and during the other half we played board games, had a movie night with healthy snacks, and went out catching Pokemon! :) It went by too fast!
ReplyDeleteIt starts next week for us- I have no idea what we are going to do yet.
ReplyDeleteStarts tomorrow! Going to visit my daughter in Edmonton - she goes to university there.
ReplyDeleteMarlene v
We went on a short road trip to Saskatchewan on March break :)
ReplyDeleteI worked. No spring break fun for me :)
ReplyDeleteaddictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C
we just played around the house, my son is only 2 it wasn't anything different for us :)
ReplyDeleteWe hung out at the house and went to see a couple movies.
ReplyDeleteWe went to South America for a great vacation!
ReplyDeleteDidn't do a lot on March break. Visited some family but just enjoyed nice weather.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I was sick. My son just recently started daycare and he's been bringing home sickness regularly. The joys of parenthood lol..
ReplyDeleteWe have a daughter who is 11 months old so we had a stay-cation! We just moved into our first home two months ago so we spent quality time playing and time with family!
ReplyDeleteNot too much, relaxed, cleaned, went to the movies.
ReplyDeletebilliondollarprincesss at hotmail dot com
No break, I worked :)
ReplyDeleteI had no break, went to work.
ReplyDeletei worked
ReplyDeleteWe had a staycation
ReplyDeleteWe have not went on break yet, but when we do we'll probably go to the beach in Pensacola, Florida!
ReplyDeleteWe just started ours 3 days ago. So far we've gone to 2 medical appt's, had a Chinese food dinner & movie night, & my daughter's had a sleepover at her friends. Today we are doing the bottle depot & visiting grandparents!
ReplyDeleteWe did some crafts and some baking.
ReplyDeletewe worked most of it - the other time we just relaxed around the house
ReplyDeleteWent to the art gallery
ReplyDeleteJust relaxed and caught up on housework.
ReplyDeleteI went to Mexico for my spring break! :D
ReplyDeleteDid nothing at all. Oh well Chuck E Cheese one day .
ReplyDeleteI worked most of it while the kids spent time at home with their dad!