Ava Grace's Closet: Favourites : Lladro + A Special Mother's Day Giveaway
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Friday, April 22, 2016

Favourites : Lladro + A Special Mother's Day Giveaway

Dear readers,
You are in for a treat today.
And more importantly, a smile.
I know many of you are mothers, grandmothers or God mothers and like me, would do anything for the little ones in your life. 
When I read about what this amazing company was doing to help children who aren't as fortunate as my/our own - I knew I had to share.

I've long since lusted after admired Lladró Handmade Porcelain for their stunningly handcrafted  items and loved learning about their long-time collaboration with Operation Smile.
Since 2006, they have worked with this incredible organization to help raise more that $311,000, enough to fund approximately 1,300 life-changing surgeries. 

Operation Smile’s free, life-changing surgeries allow children  to have the opportunity to receive an education and a bright future. 
To support Operation Smile’s mission, Lladró has introduced New Beginnings, a special version of an existing piece, featuring a pendant heart decorated in gold in honor of Operation Smile’s worthy cause. 
With the purchase of each New Beginnings porcelain sculpture sold throughout 2016, Lladró donates to Operation Smile $240; the average cost necessary to provide one cleft lip surgery to a child. 

 In the spirit of giving and of the love between mother + child, 
Lladró is offering one of our readers an opportunity to own a  piece from their home fragrance collection, as pictured in the above images, valued at $55.

Lladró was established by the brothers Juan, José and Vicente Lladró in 1953 in Valencia, Spain. Since then, the brand has undergone an amazing metamorphosis from an artisan workshop to a huge firm that holds a presence in over 120 countries and is at the forefront of contemporary porcelain design. All Lladró pieces are the fruit of a painstaking handmade process of creation, still carried out entirely in the workshops of the brand in Valencia. The highest artistic and technical quality is achieved in each phase of this process.  For further information on Lladró, visit www.lladro.com. 

New Beginnings

Operation Smile, headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is an international medical charity with a presence in more than 60 countries, whose global network of thousands of credentialed medical volunteers from more than 80 countries is dedicated to helping improve the health and lives of children. Since its founding in 1982, Operation Smile has provided more than 220,000 free surgical procedures for children and young adults born with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities. To build long-term sufficiency in resource poor environments, Operation Smile trains doctors and local medical professionals in its partner countries so they are empowered to treat their local communities. Operation Smile also donates medical equipment, supplies and provides year-round medical treatment through its worldwide centers. 

Disclosure: I received the product photographed at no charge  for the purpose of this post. All opinions are strictly my own. 


  1. Susan .. you are sharing such a wonderful company with us ... and what a generous give-away. I would love to win this candle (and it's little angel). Good luck to everyone!! <3

  2. WOW! Beautiful! I learned it is all made in Spain! Thanks!

  3. Love all the scent inspirations!

  4. I learned that Lladró is present in the world’s most important cities with the Lladró Boutiques, always located in the most exclusive shopping districts.

    (Rosie A)

  5. I learned that their first creations were made in 1953.

  6. I like that they are all made in Spain!

  7. I learned that with the purchase of an item for Mother's Day they donate to Operation Smile!

  8. I learned that everything is handmade!!! So awesome

  9. I learned that the Lladró brothers become pioneers in employing disabled workers. Excellent!

  10. I learned that A mid-sized figurine may need between 15 and 20 molds and up to 300 for complex pieces. These are so amazing!

  11. I learned that The City of Porcelain is a large area designed for artistic creation, with bright studios and workshops, within a large complex that also has sports facilities and spacious gardens.. which is now where I want to spend the rest of my life!!

  12. I had a friend who had a cleat lip. I am glad that lladro donates funds to help these babies.

  13. In 1953 Juan, José and Vicente Lladró make their first creations inspired by an experimental vocation in a Moorish furnace built in their own home in Almàssera (Valencia)

  14. In 1953 their first creations were made.

    Sara Rai

  15. I learned that with the purchase of a New Beginnings item for Mother's Day they donate $240 to Operation Smile!

  16. I learned that their products are made in Spain and they started their company in 1953. Thanks.

  17. The porcelain figurines are handmade and remain for approximately 24 hours in a kiln at over 1300º C.

  18. I learned "In 1953 Juan, José and Vicente Lladró make their first creations inspired by an experimental vocation in a Moorish furnace built in their own home in Almàssera (Valencia)"

  19. I didn't realize Lladró had digital catalogues of their products.

  20. I love that they have been making beautiful figures since 1953. Love that they have digital catalogues too!

  21. I read that their first products were made in 1953

  22. I learned that Lladró creates all its figurines in the City of Porcelain, located in Tavernes Blanques (Valencia).

  23. Good Golly Miss Molly, I learnt that their first products were made in 1953. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. :) Pick me.

  24. Their first creations were made in 1953.

  25. I learned everything is handmade in Spain

  26. That Juan, José and Vicente Lladró make their first creations in 1953.

  27. I learned Lladro is commercialized in 120 countries.

  28. I learned that they are all made in Spain.

  29. The company first began in the 5o's so it's got a long history! Lovely...

  30. I learned that every Lladró piece has our logotype engraved on its base.

  31. I always new they did sculptured pieces but discovered that they also do wall hangings that are amazing

  32. I learned that the company makes it a priority to hire people with disabilities.

  33. I learned that their products are handmade...love that!

  34. I`ve never heard of this company before but they have some amazing stuff -- wow! I know my mom would adore some pieces from them. I learned that they have been around since the 1950`s!

  35. I learned that In 1953 Juan, José and Vicente Lladró make their first creations inspired by an experimental vocation in a Moorish furnace built in their own home in Almàssera

  36. I learned the products are made in Spain.
    Florence c

  37. Holy cow...these products are still created in Valencia by 1000 employees!

  38. Their first creations were made in 1953

  39. Their stuff is handmade.

    billiondollarprincesss @hotmail.com

  40. I love the litophanes- they are so cool!


  41. I learned that a mid-sized figurine may need between 15 and 20 molds and up to 300 for complex pieces!

  42. I learned and love that they are all made in Spain


I love reading every last one. Thanks so much for stopping by our little blog. xo.