Ava Grace's Closet: Sisters
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I don't have one but I know it to be a most special relationship.
I watch my own girls together often and am so happy that they have each other. 
A built-in confidante. An always got.your.back best friend who just so happens to live in the same house.
It's hard to every picture your children grown up. 
When they're small, it feels like they will stay that way forever. And every stage, say whining incessantly, seems like it will never end. 
But then, miraculously, it does. 
And they seem to grow up right before your eyes.
Little girls become teenagers. 
And one day, women. Moving on with their respective lives. Living apart. 
I wonder and hope more than anything that the bonds forged today will always remain. 
That Ava and Izzy still rely on each other years from now albeit for different things. 
And that Julian appreciates all that he has learned from his sisters. And they from him. 
I have been feeling so sad lately. Just too much cancer everywhere. 
And, just when I thought I couldn't cry anymore, a friend reached out on Sunday to ask if I wanted to see a movie.
She too recently lost someone close to her and needed an evening out.
I chose The Fault in our Stars. 
I picked her up and she told me her sister {identical twins in this case} would be joining us. 
I sat between them, a twin sandwich if you will, and could feel their energy. Their connection. Their love for each other. 
Somewhat unexplainable, but it was definitely there.
Not going to lie, I'm a little envious of this sisterhood. 
But man, am I ever happy that I was able to play a small role in creating this relationship for my own girls. 
We cried inconsolably in case you are wondering. 
Each of us thinking of a different girl and how this sad story rang true for her.
I also spent a lot of time thinking about another set of sisters, one a very dear friend, and the sad and difficult journey they were just thrown into.
Another battle that neither of them asked for but of course, cancer shows no mercy. No shame in returning where it's once been and where it wasn't welcome again.
I'm sure their mother could never picture them all grown up either.
Yet, they did.
Still best friends. Still confidantes.
Still getting each other's backs. 
Just this time, it's the most important time of all.

Praying every day M + R. Won't stop. Can't stop.


  1. A sister is a true blessing. Too often sisters can take each other for granted in every day life - but when one is need the other stops everything to help. May your precious and beautiful angels always be there for each other in sadness and happiness... much love to you , Celia M. (HHL)

  2. Dearest Susan,
    Lovely story telling, however sad, with great photos of happy moments. Sad and happy moments alternating all throughout life...

  3. You have such an amazing way with words Susan..* as I wipe my tears from my face* I knew too that battle with cancer because I am witnessing it -- with family and dear friends...I see the impact it has not just on the person battling it -- but the impact on the children -- my heart aches for families that have gone through this and still fighting the battle - I have been blessed with 3 sisters -- but yet I feel like you have sisters..here..your soul sisters! hugs to you Michelle xxx

    1. I truly do soul sister! I am blessed. Hope you will keep these sisters in your prayers. Love you girl. xox

  4. I have two sisters and I wish I could say we all have a great relationship. Unfortunately, one of my sisters and I bump heads all the time where as my youngest sister and I are inseparable. It breaks my heart but I love them both dearly. I love seeing my daughters together and while they're 21 years apart it's still a beautiful sight to see them play and laugh together.

  5. sooooooooo sweet. cancer is an ugly thing. i loved your thoughts about sisters. I watch my own daughters and they are incredibly close...i pray they always stay that way. hugs.

  6. Your girls are beautiful! I don't have a sister and always wanted one. Although, I would not have wanted to share my Dad with her. He is gone but I am still a Daddy's girl.

  7. I miss my sister so much! She lives in the mainland and I live on an island from Azores, Portugal. Next Monday I will visit her, I am so happy!
    I love my sister, she is my best friend!

    Isa M., Tic Tac Living

  8. I have three sisters. They are the cornerstones of my life.

  9. Thank-you for sharing this personal and emotional experience. I so wish cancer didn't exist. I watched my mother battle breast cancer for 10 years until she lost the fight in 1995. The pain is still fresh in my heart. I want to see this movie but don't know if I could manage the sadness. Thanks again for this well written post. :)


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