So, here are a few things I can tell you about today's mama.
One, she is a die-hard fashionista.
Two, she is a mama to two adorable little ones : mini-he and mini-she.
And three, she lives in Hawaii.
Oh, and four, she says I can totally come and stay with her when I visit.
I may or may not have made that last part up.
Beyond excited to share Beck from Oomph with you all today.
I know we share a lot of the same readers and friends, but for those of you not getting a bit of inspiration daily from this gal, you must visit.
Like, right now.
Do you work outside the home or stay at home? What led you to either decision?
I work full-time outside the home as the CFO of my sister's
architecture firm. Anyone who owns a business knows that the work
doesn't end at 5pm. helping to operate a family business means that i
wear many hats...i also answer phones, get lunches, pick up my
sister's kid, and even take out the trash and clean toilets on the
weekends! I am a single mom, so staying home isn't an option.
Did you always see yourself as a stay at home/career woman? Was it a dream of yours?
Honestly? when i was growing up, i never thought i would have kids
(as soon as i did). I always saw myself as a career woman. My
background is in graphic arts, and i envisioned a career in
advertising. I love the creative expression (think storyboards and
jingles), the hustle and bustle of big cities, travelling, deadlines,
and working under pressure. love. it.
What frustrates you most? What would you change if you could?
What frustrates me most (about being a single mom) is not having
help. which leads to not having time. which leads to me being stressed
and feeling like i can never quite catch up. If i could change one
thing at this point in my life, i would love to be able to work
half-days so that i could get a few things done before the kids came
home. Then i could give them my full attention rather than constantly
If you are at home, do you plan to return to work one day?
Since I work, would i ever stay home? Probably not. I get restless,
I need interaction, and I like getting dressed up. i love my quiet
morning drive to work, and i love my
blast-the-music-and-sing-into-the-lint-roller drive home. Like i
mentioned above, half-days would be good.
Any words of advice for mama's struggling with this decision?
If you want to and are able to stay home, do it! But never lose the
passion for things you enjoyed before kids came along. Find a small
way to incorporate them into your new life as a parent.
The decision to work outside the home or stay home with your children is such a personal one. There is no right answer or right decision but rather, I truly feel each woman must do what is right for her and her family. I commend each and every mother out there for this. It is not easy. We are women and man, we're amazing.
Beck, I cannot thank you enough for the taking the time to share this space with us today.
You are an inspiration girl!
I seriously don't know how you to do it all. And look so fabulous doing it.
Maybe it has something to do with the singing in the lint roller? I must try that.
You are an inspiration girl!
I seriously don't know how you to do it all. And look so fabulous doing it.
Maybe it has something to do with the singing in the lint roller? I must try that.
Dearest Susan,
ReplyDeleteHats off to Beck, she is quite a go-getter Mom and doing it all solo; WOW. Not easy and it is not even easier when living in Hawaii... But so far she's managed and I hope the stress level of being multi-tasking all the time will not catch up with her.
Hugs to you both,
Good morning bella! I love these posts - (even though I'm not a mama - unless furbabies count , and yes in my world they do count..:) ... Beck has reminded me that no matter what life sends our way - we need to remain true to ourselves and nurture the passions and dreams we have as a person. Her line "blast-the-music-and-sing-into-the-lint-roller drive home" particularly struck a chord with me ... oh how I enjoyed that time in the car commuting listening to music... her great series. Xo HHL
ReplyDeleteWith me too! My favorite time was always first thing in the morning driving in. Fresh, hot coffee...catching up on the phone. Who ever would have thought I would miss it so much?
DeleteBeck is one of my favorite bloggers! I never knew she was a single mom. It's nice to get a glimpse of the minis! Heather
ReplyDeleteBeck and I share the same frustration, waaah!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love Mama Mondays! It's so nice to meet such inspiring moms through your blog. :)
very nice to meet other Moms this way =)
ReplyDeleteThanks for introducing us! What a sense of style! Love the Hawaii visiting comment! :-)
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with Beck's comment about incorporating things you loved before having a child/children after you have them. It's very important to keep some piece of yourself after your world changes completely. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's always lovely to have insight into fellow bloggers. Loved reading about Beck and the wisdom shared. I also agree that you should find ways to incorporate your passions into motherhood, I think we are better parents when we have a sense of self.
ReplyDeleteI love her so much, she's one of my favorite bloggers out there! Loving this series!